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Operational Excellence

Effizienzsteigerung im gesamten Unternehmen durch Null-Verluste, Null-Stillstände, Null-Fehler und Null-Unfälle unter Einbeziehung aller Mitarbeiter in selbstorganisierten Teams. Ein System, das betriebliche Verbesserungsansätze wie Lean, TPM, Six Sigma, Kaizen und KVP vereint.


Qualität & Six Sigma

In diesem Kompetenzbereich geht es darum, eine optimale Qualität sicherzustellen, um die Kundenzufriedenheit zu erhalten und zu steigern. Six Sigma ist dafür eine bewährte Methode. Weiterhin finden Sie hier Seminare zu den vielfältigen Themen der Qualitätssicherung.


Künstliche Intelligenz (KI)

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) transformiert Branchen, revolutioniert Arbeitsweisen und schafft völlig neue Geschäftsmodelle. Mit unserem Weiterbildungsprogramm rüsten wir Sie mit dem notwendigen Wissen und den Werkzeugen aus, um die digitale Transformation in Ihrem Unternehmen erfolgreich zu gestalten.


Total Productive Management. Fundamentals and Introduction to TPM – or how to achieve Operational Excellence

Autor: Constantin May und Peter Schimek

Artikelnummer: 9-783940-775-15-3

Englisch Dieses Produkt ist in englischer Sprache publiziert.

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Is it possible to increase the productivity of a company by 30% or even 50%? Is an OEE (or overall equipment efficiency) increase in a manufacturing plant from 60% to 80% achievable and can it be sustained? Can business processes, seen from the customer-perspective, be shortened in a way that customer services are improved in quality and speed? Are increases in added value of 50% nothing more than a utopian dream? Can it be achieved that employees identify themselves with the objectives of their company thereby utilizing their full potential, knowledge, and skills with pride and conviction for the good of the company that they are working for?


These are some of the questions that this praxis oriented book seeks to answer. Its purpose is to introduce to professionals, managers, and students the basics of Total Productive Management and to familiarize the interested reader with the comprehensive ideas of TPM. Having read this book, the reader knows both fundamental and expanded pillars of TPM. They will have an overview over the most important TPM tools and know the steps that are necessary for a successful TPM introduction to a company or organization.


The authors


Prof. Dr. Constantin May graduated in industrial engineering and management at the University of Kaiserslautern and then became consultant at IDS Scheer AG, Saarbruecken. After working as research assistant at the Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Prof. May obtained his doctorate for his work on operations management. This was followed by a position as head of division at the Schaeffler Group, taking him also to South East Asia for prolonged stays. Since 1999, Professor May is now teaching production management and logistics at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences. He has been the head of the CETPM since its foundation in 2005.


Peter Schimek is a graduate engineer in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, and ergonomics. Between 1996 and 2003, he was employed as a plant leader in the foods industry, successfully implementing TPM in this capacity. He received together with his plant a number of JIPM-TPM Awards. Before that, he worked, for example, for Mars Incorporated, USA, and gained experience as a manager in the roles of Chief Industrial Engineer, Chief Engineer, Plant Manager, and General Manager in Germany, England, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Brazil. Mr. Schimek heads the „Awarding“ division at the CETPM.


1. Auflage
Erschienen bei CETPM Publishing, Ansbach 2014
Hardcover, 160 Seiten, farbig

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